
1880 This was the first attempt at colonization by Mormon settlers of Mesquite. Teaching was accomplished by individual families in their homes.
1881 Colonization of Mesquite was abandoned because of floods, hot weather and other adverse conditions, though some families stayed.
1882 A school was started was Mesquite in 1882. Lucious Peck was the teacher as well as store helper and postmaster. School was held in the living room of his house. By May of 1882 only 71 persons from 15 families were living in Mesquite.
1895 Resettlement of Mesquite occurred when several new families were assigned to the area by the church. A school was held in the one room adobe home of Lorena Hardy but lasted only a few months.
1896 In the winter of 1896 school was held in a room furnished by Jessie Waite.
1897 By the fall of 1897 a square 16 x16 tent had been erected for public gatherings and also served as a school. The tent pegged securely to the ground, had a dirt floor with no board walls, no heat, no light and only logs to sit on. Belle Bunker was the teacher in 1897.