Education in the Neon Shadow
In 2006, the Clark County School District prepared for its 50th anniversary by gathering mementos to display. But when the celebration ended, no one knew what to do with the material. Education in the Neon Shadow is the result of that collection.

No one could have predicted that a tiny outpost in the middle of the desert between Salt Lake City and southern California would become a world-renowned tourist destination. Nor could anyone have envisioned that only fifty years later over 300,000 children would attend school beneath the bright lights of the Las Vegas skyline. Yet both became reality.
Filled with photographs dating back to the earliest days in southern Nevada, Education in the Neon Shadow chronicles the birth and explosive growth of a school district in one of the most unique settings imaginable. Las Vegas, the twenty-fourhour adult destination for gambling, drinking, and extravagant shows, is right in the middle of the Clark County School District, responsible for educating hundreds of thousands of children and growing by more than ten thousand students a year.

Education in the Neon Shadow:
The First 50 years
of the Clark County School District
Hardcover ~ $24.95
ISBN 978-1-932173-833
10 x 10 ~ 152 pages
The book recounts how dedicated educators and a determined school community are meeting the challenges of teaching school in the “entertainment capital of the world.” View the Stephens Press promotional flyer.
Download Education in the Neon Shadow
The beautiful book is available on Amazon, most CCSD school libraries, and book stores all over town. While it's clunkier than the book, you can instead download a PDF file. You can download the entire book, which is an enormous 365.4 MB, or select chapters.
The Complete "Education in the Neon Shadow" Book (365.4 MB)
Download Specific Parts of the Book
Chapter 1: Early History (83.6 MB)
Chapter 2: From Many, One - 1955-1964 (28.2 MB)
Chapter 4: Budget Struggles - 1975-1984 (44.7 MB)
Chapter 5: Exploding Growth - 1985-1994 (40.3 MB)
Chapter 6: A New Century - 1995-2005 (53.1 MB)
Afterword, Acknowledgments, References, Photo Credits, etc. (53.1 MB)
Namesake Celebration (1.8 MB)
How can I use the Education in the Neon Shadow download?
Here's our User Agreement.
Here's the short version. Students and academic researchers are welcome to take what is desired as long as credit is given to the Clark County School District Archive Committee. For commercial use, ask permission.
The Clark County School District Archive Committee maintains a large collection of material including documents, photographs, 35mm slides and other related memorabilia. It is agreed that any use of materials including Education in the Neon Shadow content displayed on the web site, whole or in part, or any reference to it will carry full acknowledgement of the CCSD Archive Committee and will only be used for personal or academic purposes.
These materials are the property of the CCSD Archive Committee and are primarily available for legitimate research. Therefore permission must be sought before any of the Committee's intellectual property is used by a commercial entity. For authorization or further information relating to the history of the Clark County School District, interested parties may contact the Committee using the contact form on our website.