Frequently Asked Questions
This page exists to answer frequently asked questions and share general information about the CCSD Archive Committee. If your inquiry doesn't appear on this page, contact the Committee.
This page addresses the following questions. For the responses, scroll down.
I would like to be part of the conversation so how do I go about uploading/posting content?
I would like to use content found on the Archive Committee's web site. How do I go about this?
How can I search your site for something specific?
1. I would like to be part of the conversation, so how do I go about uploading/posting content?
With over two million people spread over 8,000 square miles, there are many folks out there who have experienced the Clark County School District. In any case, we'd like to hear from you! First, you may want to join the Archive Committee. We current meet one to two times a month. Second, visit our Facebook page where you can make posts, upload images, and comment on other people's messages. It's an interactive place where anybody can share and appreciate the experiences of others.
2. I have what may be a valuable artifact that I would like to share or donate. Is the Committee interested?
While the Committee already has a large collection, we are interested in filling historical gaps. The only way for us to know if you have an item that will compliment the archive is by contacting us. Give us a call, snail mail us a message or send us a scan/photo of the item as an e-mail attachment.
3. I would like to use content found on the Archive Committee's web site. How do I go about this?
This site exists to share history. Here's the short version. Students and researchers are welcome to take what is desired as long as credit is given to the Clark County School District Archive Committee. For commercial use, ask permission. The full version of our user agreement is below.
User Agreement
The Clark County School District Archive Committee maintains a large collection of material including documents, photographs, 35mm slides and other related memorabilia. It is agreed that any use of materials including Education in the Neon Shadow content displayed on the web site, whole or in part, or any reference to it will carry full acknowledgement of the CCSD Archive Committee and will only be used for personal or academic purposes.
These materials are the property of the CCSD Archive Committee and are primarily available for legitimate research. Therefore permission must be sought before any of the Committee's intellectual property is used by a commercial entity. For authorization or further information relating to the history of the Clark County School District, interested parties may contact the Committee using the contact form on our website.
4. Can I have access to larger, higher resolution photos?
The online archives are set-up for fast page loading, which is advantageous to the average visitor. As a result, a sacrifice is made to quality. Researchers may seek higher resolution images. Larger, higher resolution versions exist for all images that appear in the online archives. For access, contact the Committee.
5. What is the origin of the maps used in the online archives?
The computer generated maps come courtesy of Google Maps. We are grateful for the use of such excellent maps of Southern Nevada. The site is yet another of Google's outstanding contributions to the Internet.
6. How do I go about donating money to support the Committee?
Beyond believing that public education is important, we honor those who have spent much of their lives to educate the people who live here. The story of public education in Southern Nevada is worthy of being researched, shared, and appreciated. The maintenance of this site takes a significant amount of time and resources. To help keep this site up and running, visitors can make a financial donation. To do so, please contact the Committee.
7. How can I search your site for something specific?
Our site is composed of hundreds of individual pages. In addition to using the menus, visitors can conduct keyword searches of our site. This can be done by typing the desired content into our search engine. This is located at the bottom of every page including this one.