Matt Kelly Elementary School, 1960

Continued growth of student population in the Westside area required a new school. The school is named to honor Mathew Kelly born in 1874 in Sunderland, England. At age 21 he moved to Glasgow, Scotland to further his education in the field of music. He directed two bands and taught music in Scotland until 1910 when he sailed for America. He located first in Gallop, New Mexico and in 1912 moved to Las Vegas. Upon arriving in Las Vegas, Matt went to work for the railroad and played music on the side, teaching and playing for dances. He was hired by the local school district to teach music. Around 1930, the State of Nevada began requiring all teachers to have a degree, which Matthew did not have. He gave up teaching and worked in a custodial capacity for 22 years and on the side continued teaching and directing bands. Matthew Kelly died in July of 1952.
As part of the court-ordered integration plan, the school became a Sixth Grade Center. The school is now a Prime Six Empowerment School. Teachers participate in Reflective Practices which includes team planning for instruction and student evaluation. Part of the program includes a five day stay at a camp in Lee Canyon. The 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students have many outdoor experiences and there is a heavy emphasis on math, science, and writing. During the year, students work with community partners: The Bolden Area Command Metropolitan police officers, Southern Nevada Housing Authority, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Police Athletic League, and the Forest Service.
Matt Kelly Elementary School - Photo 1969
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Matt Kelly Elementary School - Photo 2012
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