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The Future


Seat Belts
   During the 2017 Legislative session, Nevada legislators passed a bill requiring all school buses purchased on or after July 1, 2019, to be equipped with shoulder-harness-type safety belt assembly for passengers. Nevada is the seventh state to enact legislation requiring seat belts on school buses. In addition to the safety of students, many school districts with seat belt-equipped buses have reported a reduction in student discipline issues.

Student Tracking
   In the future, student tracking systems will allow parents and transportation staff to know when and where students enter and exit the bus. Most current student tracking systems use RFID devices which are scanned as students enter or exit the bus. The RFID systems do present challenges such as lost or unreadable RFID cards. As new methods of student tracking are developed, Transportation will evaluate these systems.

Alternate Fuel Vehicles-Electric & Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
   Alternate-fueled vehicles produce fewer emissions and are more environmentally friendly than diesel- powered buses. For this reason, CCSD is currently evaluating alternate-fueled buses. Both Thomas and Blue Bird bus manufacturers have announced their entry into the electric bus market. CCSD is working closely with NV Energy to explore possibilities of electric buses and the required charging stations. CNG is a proven alternate fuel source which also reduces emissions. CCSD is also working with Southwest Gas to explore the creation of fueling stations for CNG-powered school buses.


Driver Grading Systems
   Systems are becoming available to read the On Board Diagnostic (OBD) computers not only to report faults, but to record acceleration, braking, and other driving habits. Programs are being developed to analyze this data and grade driver effectiveness. Safety can be improved by addressing driver concerns based on this analysis.

360 Degree View Around the Bus
   Camera systems are becoming available to allow school bus drivers to have a 360 degree view of everything around the bus. This will improve safety by allowing the driver a wider field of vision.


Heads-up View for Bus Driver
  Warning systems are becoming available to alert school bus drivers and help prevent forward collisions, pedestrian accidents, and departure from their travel lanes.

Realtime Camera Views on Bus
  While CCSD has had video cameras on school buses since 2014, viewing of these videos required an employee to physically remove the memory device from the camera for viewing. WiFi technology now allows for remote viewing and maintenance of video equipment. Cellular technology is also available to allow staff to view live video from school buses. CCSD is currently exploring the use of these options.


WiFi for Student Passengers
  As WiFi on vehicles, such as airplanes and trains is becoming more readily available, this technology is being adapted to school buses. Many school districts around the country are implementing WiFi access to students on school buses. WiFi will allow students to access the internet during their ride to and from school. The value of this access increases as the length of the bus ride increases.

Transportation Administrative Team


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