
Chapter Leadership
The Nevada’s Desert-Valley Orff Chapter has been very active in leading teacher education activities and in sponsoring learning opportunities for elementary music teachers. They have also organized social events and sponsored Sue Morrow Scholarships for local teachers to extend their Orff Levels. The following teachers have served as elected officers of the Orff Chapter since its inception in 1980.
Janet Allison - Cathy Ameling - Cheryl Baker - Bruce Behnke - Connie Beisner-Warling - Evan Billings - Thom Borden - Doug Bowser - Amy Brown - Marilyn Brown - Diane Camilleri - Armando Campos - Julie Campos - Karla Canfield - Katie Canfield - Debbie Cenna - Terry Cerrillo - Ashley Chatham - Kay Christenson - Roy Colver - Rossana Cota - Jennifer Cruz - Sue DeHart - Rachel DelaCruz - Randy DeLelles - Dave Dineen - Jennifer Earl - Brian Erle - June Eshelman - Michael Esposito - Gloria Fuoco-Lawson - Alicia Glaser - Barb Good - Carly Goodman - Liz Goodman - Roni Greenup - Rhonda Greeson - Kim Guinn - Polly Hahn - Kate Harris–Golodner - Joy Heideman - Denice Hendrickson - Karen Higgins - Mike Higgins - LuAnn Hill - Lisa Jablonski - Debra Jefferson - Patti Johns - Cindy Johnson - Paula Johnson - Daniel Jolly - Karen Karst-Hoskins - Kelley Kennedy - Jeff Kriske - Kay Lehto - Mac Light - Margaret Light - Sue Loser - Melissa Lovewell - Carol Meckstroth - Margaret Mehl - Kateri Miller - Patti Morger - Darrell Morrow - Sue Morrow - Melinda Morse - Sue Mueller - Marjorie Nantz - Jason Nissly - Nicole Papas - Sister Maria Theresa Patterson - Michelle Perry - Linda Reynolds - Betty Rodak - Norm Sahm - Karly Schindler - Nancy Schkurman - Michelle Shepherd - Charlotte Skomal-Michaels - Andre Smith - Audrey Smith - Christy Speas - Cassie Steitle-Barnes - Anne Stephen - Eldine Stevens - Gingerann Stevens - Allison Stewart Ashley - Stewart - Leslie Summerville - Pam Taylor - Paul Terry - Peggy Thompson - Janice Townsend Rebecca Trimble - Andrea Van Eaton - Jeannie Walker - Mark Weigand - Virginia Wells - Carissa Werner - Jan Wickham - Barbi Wilson - Doug Wilson - Sue Zupanic

Staff Development Leadership
In the forty-plus years of the Orff Program, the following persons have shared ideas, activities, and organization with their peers. This community of elementary music learners is wide and vast. It includes August Staff Development Days, New Teacher Orientation Events, Large and Small Group Sharing, Whole District In-Services as well as days organized with varied options from which teachers select topics of their choice. The following presenters are greatly appreciated for their expertise and willingness to share:
Becky Abbott - Jennifer Allen - Janet Allison - Cathy Ameling - Jeri Lynn Anderson - Mary Ashcraft - Jim Austin - Cheryl Baker - Margaret Baker - Kim Barclay-Ritzer - Brett Barnes - Ray Barnes - Jenny Barrera - Jenny Barrett - Shireen Beaudry-Johnson - Bruce Behnke - Judy Behnke - Connie Beisner-Warling - Suzanne Bertman - Evan Billings - Marie Blaney - Thom Borden - Lucy Bourland - Doug Bowser - Betty Brooke - Amy Brown - Marilyn Brown - Jennifer Bynum - Diane Camilleri - Darva Campbell - Armando Campos - Julie Campos - Karla Canfield - Katie Canfield - Adriana Capetillo - Peter Carole Matt Carr - Debbie Cenna - Bonita Cervelloni - Lise Champagne - Kristi Chaplin - Ashley Chatham - Kay Christenson - Annette Coco - Buddy Collier - Roy Colver - Michelle Conley - Rossana Cota - Jennifer Cruz - Sandy D’Agostino - LaTonya Daniels - George Dare - Rochelle David - Belinda Davis - Linda Davis - Trina Dayley - Sue DeHart - Rachel DelaCruz- Randy DeLelles - Kerry Dobranski - April Drohn - Brian Erle - Shawna Ernest - June Eshelman - Michael Esposito - Christina Estenson - Jim Finnin - Lou-ellen Finter - Steve Fortgang - Mary Fox - Keith France - Teresa Frazier - Jennifer Friend - Gloria Fuoco-Lawson - Danai Gagne - Jaqueline Garcia - Marcie Gardner - Richard Geuder - Gwen Gibson - Anne Gifford-Haines - Alicia Glaser - Jennifer Gomez - Barb Good - Gayle Good-Keppler - Carly Goodman - Liz Goodman - Pamela Goynes-Owens - Connie Graziano - Byron Green - Mildred Greeson - Rhonda Greeson - Kim Guinn - Kass Gutherie - Polly Hahn - Adam Hallam - Jim Halverson - Lee Hanby - Kate Harris-Golodner - Joy Heideman - Tonya Hendricks-McKenna - Denice Hendrickson - Wayne Hermans - Cyndi Herron- Ron Herz - Karen Higgins - Mike Higgins - Lu Ann Hill - Jill Hinson - Chris Holly - Meridith Horey - Jennifer Hull - Lisa Jablonski - Karen Jarrett - Debra Jefferson - Patti Johns - Cheryl Johnson - Cindy Johnson - Holly Johnson - Paula Johnson - Daniel Jolly - Judy Jordahl - Quintin Jordan - Donna Kachele - Karen Karst-Hoskins - Stephanie Keen - Kelley Kennedy - Diana Kline - Erin Ko - Pamela Koehle - Jeff Kriske - Kristen Kuhn - Laura Lamb - Charles Lane - Cynthia Lang - Kay Lehto - Mac Light - Margaret Light - Vicki Ligon - Andrea Loe - Christopher Loe - Ruth Lombardo - Andre Long - Sue Loser - Elliot Lowery - Tara Madsen - Maggie Manners - Arlene Marentic - Martin Marsh - Rebecca Martindale-Strange - Garner Mathiasmeier - Kathrine Mathiasmeier - Karen Mazar - Cathy McCann - Karlene McCormick-Lee - Tonya Hendricks-McKenna - Shirley McRae - Carol Meckstroth - Ray Medina - Karen Medley - Margaret Mehl - Betty Meier- Joan Middlebrook - Joan Miles - Chuck Miller - Kateri Miller - Clara Miranda - Suzanne Montgomery - Arlene Morey - Patti Morger - Darrell Morrow - Sue Morrow - Melinda Morse - Sue Mueller - Judy Murray - Melinda Myers - Sheila Myers - Marjorie Nantz - Jeremy Nazimek - Marcia Neel - Shawn Nielsen - Jason Nissly - Jason Novak - Nicole O’Connell - Cindy O’Donnell - Pam Owens - Randy Pagel - Nicole Papas - Kelly Pardee - Brett Parker - Kathy Pelletier - Michelle Perry Carolyn - Peterson - Kathleen Platt - Michael Polutnik - Nancy Poupard - Angela Portocarrero - Jennifer Prestridge - David Price - Diana Reed - Eydie Reid - Sandi Ricketson - David Ringenbach - Ruth Ritchie - Angela Roberts - Sarah Robinson - Mary Rochelle - Mike Rodrigues - Sue Roncace - Norm Sahm - Maria Sassani - Cheryl Savage - John Scheuer - Karly Schindler - Nancy Schkurman - Veda Scholle - Ashley Schrodi - Varda Seggev - Michelle Shepherd - Katherine Shupe - Charlotte Skomal-Michaels - Andre Smith - Audrey Smith - Jolyn Smith - Shirley Solomon - Christy Speas - Amy Sprenger - Arcola Stafford - Lida Stamou - Paul Stanley - Brent Stapley - Charlie Steele - Elena Steele - Anna Stein - Cassie Steitle-Barnes - Anne Stephen - Eldine Stevens - Gingerann Stevens - Allison Stewart - Ashley Stewart - Quanisha Stokes - Lee Styer - Leslie Summerville - Scott Taflin - Sandy Taggart - Gay Talbert - Pam Taylor - Paul Terry - Peggy Thompson - Rhonda Tipton - Lee Towell - Janice Townsend - Mary Beth Treat - Rebecca Trimble - Amy Turley-Cusack - Scott Urban - Andrea Van Eaton - Becky Van Hoak - Vivian Velasquez - Suzanne Vince-Cruz - Diana Volker - Jackie Walker - Carol Warner - Tara Warthen- Mark Weigand - David Weiller - Esther Weinstein - Virginia Wells - Carissa Werner - Jan Wickham - Tim Wiegand - Barbi Wilson - Doug Wilson - Pam Wilson - Richard Wilson - Michelle Witt - Steve Woodmansee - Elizabeth Woods Jos Wuytack - Sue Zupanic
“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.”
President, Franklin D. Roosevelt